Feb 15, 2024

10 Data-Driven Marketing Best Practices: How B2Bs Deliver Results from Data

The what, why and how of data-driven B2B marketing, with real-world examples

Data-driven B2B marketing is thriving at the intersection where data science meets the art of selling. Take two B2Bs with comparable offerings, and the one with a superior data-driven marketing strategy will outperform every time. Why? Because data slices through assumptions, illuminates buyer behavior and supercharges your marketing machine. In this blog, we cover 10 best practices for using data to harvest a B2B bumper crop, including how to get started with implementing each pro tip.

Best practice 1: Knowing your ideal buyer and target audience

If you’re in the game of data-driven B2B marketing, knowing your ideal buyer is a requirement sharper than Occam’s Razor. Gone are the days of generic ad campaigns and one-size-fits-all pitches. Today, you need to go fishing with an irresistible lure on a sharp hook rather than casting a broad net, and that means knowing your target. Lack of clarity about your ideal buyer can spell disaster for even the most data-rich B2B marketing campaigns.

Real-world example: Cleaning supplier mops up with segmentation
Imagine an industrial cleaning supplies manufacturer that crunches numbers to the nth degree but fails to differentiate between the needs of a large hospital and a small community gym. Their one-size-fits-all marketing blast may tout the “hospital-grade efficacy” of their products, leaving the small gym owners feeling alienated and overlooked. Changing course, the marketing team starts segmenting their outreach, messaging about hospital-grade cleanliness to the healthcare sector while emphasizing affordability and ease of use to smaller businesses. By understanding each segment’s unique pain points and needs, this two-pronged approach resonated more effectively, ultimately driving up engagement rates and ROI.

As a takeaway, always begin your data-driven marketing strategy by identifying and understanding your ideal buyer. Fine-tune your messaging and align your offerings to meet the distinct needs of each segment of your audience. The specificity pays off—big time.

Real-world example: Bucking conjecture in favor of buyer knowledge

Take John Deere, for instance. The agricultural equipment giant doesn’t market its high-tech, GPS-enabled tractors to every farmer with a field. By leveraging data analytics, they’ve determined that their ideal buyer is not just any farmer, but the tech-savvy, mid-to-large-scale agricultural entrepreneur concerned with efficiency and yield optimization. Knowing this, the Deere’s marketers buck the guesswork in favor of campaigns that are tailored, targeted and far more effective.

So, how do you get started? Dive into your existing customer data, carry out detailed market research and engage in conversations with your sales team to outline who your ideal buyer truly is. Next, zero in on the platforms and channels where this audience spends time and tailor your content to meet them there. It’s like a well-tuned orchestra—every section knows its role, but it’s the conductor who brings it all together. Be that conductor.

Best practice 2: Data quality control and good data hygiene

In the data-fueled world of B2B marketing, you can’t make great sausage using bad meat. The calculus is simple: bad data can morph your otherwise brilliant strategy into a Picasso of inefficiency. If you’re working with a flawed data set, you’re essentially navigating through an evolving maze blindfolded. Knowing where your data hails from and ensuring its quality is critical for the integrity of your entire B2B marketing operation.

Real-world example: Bad seed, bad harvest

Let’s delve back into the agricultural sector for a moment, where the success of a seed distributor relies heavily on data from farmers about crop yields, soil conditions and planting schedules. It is possible to have bad first and second-party data. Suppose the distributor uses data from siloed departments collecting different data sourced from an array of farms. The distributor’s martech isn’t fully integrated, allowing siloed or manual data entry processes to produce duplicated, incomplete or inaccurate data. This muddying of the analytics happens because the distributor’s marketing tools don’t communicate well together, making it difficult to draw actionable conclusions. Consequently, the distributor could end up recommending unsuitable seeds based on misleading data, leading to poor yields and a loss of trust from professional farmers. It’s a classic case of ‘bad seed, bad harvest.’

When it comes to crafting your B2B data-driven marketing strategy, it’s imperative to curate your data sources carefully. Perform due diligence by vetting and validating each data source and understand how that data was gathered. Don’t let your marketing strategy get watered down by questionable data. Know your sources and keep your data sets clean.

So, how to detox your data? Start with an audit to identify gaps or inaccuracies in your current database. Then, implement ongoing quality checks at every stage where new data enters the system. Finally, make data cleaning a recurring task—not a one-off event—because as your business scales, your data will grow and change. Think of it like this: your data is the raw material, and your marketing strategy is the end product. The purer the material, the higher the quality of the final item. Quality control starts at the source.

A line of businesspeople walking forward. Data-driven marketing strategy

Best practice 3: Understanding the buyer journey

For a B2B data-driven marketing strategy to succeed, getting to know your buyer journey has become a competitive necessity. Understanding the specific touchpoints that shape a potential client’s path from awareness to conversion is akin to having a detailed roadmap. It provides the tactical insights needed to craft highly relevant messaging, align sales and marketing efforts and allocate resources efficiently.

Buyer journey touchpoints are those pivotal moments where potential clients interact with a brand, be it through a webinar, a whitepaper download or a sales call. These touchpoints are the pulse points of decision-making. By meticulously analyzing existing data around these moments, marketers can discern the magic behind a lead’s progression or regression. It’s not about casting a wide net but rather understanding which threads pull buyers in and optimizing them. In an age where every click holds a narrative, grasping these touchpoints is the linchpin to crafting a compelling B2B story.

Your first pragmatic move? If you already audited your data as recommended in our previous best practice, analyze your existing data to identify crucial touchpoints that influence buying decisions. Once you’ve compiled your touchpoints, you can go over the messaging line by line, word by word and frame by frame to make small improvements to the copy and visuals that can yield big gains.

Real-world example: A pharmaceutical supplier diagnoses an upgrade

When a B2B pharmaceutical supplier noticed declining sales for a specific drug category, its marketing team analyzed customer interaction data. By mapping their customer journey, they determined that most of their potential clients were dropping off during the late consideration stage. With this insight, the supplier targeted that phase with educational webinars and one-on-one consultations. Sales saw a major boost within months.

Best practice 4: Advanced segmentation for precision targeting

Advanced segmentation is the laser-guided scalpel of B2B data-driven marketing. By dissecting your audience into ultra-specific categories based on behavior, needs or firmographic attributes, you’re able to send the right message to the right person at the right time—every time. This precision increases engagement, improves ROI and makes your entire marketing engine more efficient.

Your first course of action? If you’ve already conducted a data quality assessment to ensure the information you’ll be segmenting is both current and accurate, the next foundational step is to integrate advanced analytics platforms. Don’t settle for just hitting any target when it’s possible to know in advance which bullseye will deliver the most value. To truly harness the power of advanced segmentation for precision targeting, integrating advanced data analytics platforms is non-negotiable. These platforms sift through vast data oceans, spotting patterns and insights that the human eye might miss. Without this advanced tech backbone, even the most well-intentioned segmentation efforts risk skimming the surface, missing the deep dives that define success in today’s crowded digital marketplace.

Advanced segmentation is the future, going beyond traditional demographics to zoom into behavioral nuances and predictive insights. In the kaleidoscopic digital arena, data-driven B2B marketers can’t afford to play it safe.

Real-world example: An industrial cleaning solutions firm resolves conversion issues

An industrial cleaning solutions company noticed their emails were only converting at 0.2%. They implemented advanced segmentation, breaking down their list by industry, purchase history and other factors. The subsequent hyper-targeted campaigns saw conversion rates leap to 1.8%.

Best practice 5: A/B testing for continuous improvement

In the world of data-driven B2B marketing, A/B testing is your built-in autocorrect, enabling you to constantly fine-tune your campaigns for peak performance. This isn’t a one-off event but an ongoing commitment to excellence. Each test becomes another brushstroke in a masterwork of optimized customer engagement and conversion rates. Ready to give it a spin? Identify a single variable in your existing campaign—say, an email subject line or a CTA button—and set up a test to determine which version resonates more with your audience.

Real-world example: An automotive parts distributor revs up campaign performance

Let’s delve into the case of a B2B logistics firm that wanted to improve its lead generation through online sign-ups. They assumed that offering a free shipping analysis would be a potent magnet for drawing in potential clients. But before they poured dollars into a full-scale campaign, they decided to test their hypothesis with a classic A/B test. Version A of the landing page offered the free shipping analysis, while version B presented a comprehensive logistics audit instead. They split their traffic evenly, letting data decide the winner.

Surprisingly, version B’s comprehensive logistics audit outperformed its counterpart by a whopping 24% in lead conversion. Why? After interviewing a few new leads, they discovered that businesses were more concerned about overarching logistics issues, not just shipping costs. A/B testing allowed the firm to pivot its offer before it wasted thousands on a less effective campaign. The lesson here? Never settle. Continual A/B testing serves as a fail-safe against marketing misfires, empowering you to fine-tune campaigns for peak performance.

Legal data compliance and regulation concept. Businessman holding the balance of justice to regulatory compliance study on computer application.

Best practice 6: Ethical and compliant data use

In an era where data is the new oil, ethical and compliant use provides more than just legal cover—it’s brand insurance. Europe’s data privacy law is one example of how important this best practice is. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation enacted by the European Union in 2018 to safeguard the personal data of EU citizens. It aims to give individuals more control over their personal data while simplifying the regulatory landscape for businesses. The GDPR applies to any organization, regardless of location, that processes the data of EU citizens. It includes stringent rules for data collection, storage and usage, and imposes heavy fines for breaches and non-compliance.

In the U.S., 13 states have similar laws. The best known is the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Dubbed California’s answer to Europe’s GDPR, CCPA is a consumer-centric legislation that tightens the noose on how companies handle personal data. It grants Golden State residents the right to know, reject and even delete the data that businesses collect on them. While GDPR has cast its net globally, demanding any business dealing with European citizens to comply, CCPA sharpens its focus on California. Yet, its influence reverberates beyond state lines, effectively compelling any U.S. business with a digital presence to toe the line. Both laws signal a sea change, echoing a global call for a privacy-first approach in the digital age.

Don’t venture forth without a regulatory compliance map of the territory

For data-powered B2B marketers, the specter of non-compliance fines and public backlash looms large, but beyond that, there’s a genuine business case for treating your data—and by extension, your customers—right. Poor data practices can sour relationships and corrode trust, both of which are hard-won and easily lost in the B2B arena.

Looking to instill confidence and integrity into your data ops? Beyond auditing, a critical foundational step B2B marketers should take before embarking on a new data privacy compliance journey is stakeholder engagement. Engaging key internal stakeholders – from IT and legal to sales and customer support – ensures a holistic understanding of data touchpoints, risks, and operational intricacies. This collaborative approach not only unearths hidden challenges but also fosters company-wide buy-in, a crucial ingredient for the successful implementation and adherence to any data privacy initiative. In the data-driven realm, it’s a collective responsibility, not just a marketing mandate. Knowing your current data sources and handling procedures is also critical for laying the groundwork for a transparent, compliant data governance framework.

Real-world example: A financial advisory firm makes unadvised moves

A U.S. financial advisory firm nearly lost its license when it unintentionally violated GDPR rules. Their digital marketing team reevaluated their data-driven marketing strategy to strictly align with compliance. They employed tools like OneTrust for data mapping and consent collection, mitigating the risk of future violations.

Best practice 7: Social media analytics as a virtuous feedback loop

Social media isn’t just a playground for B2C. It’s also a data goldmine for B2B marketers who know how to dig. Advanced analytics from platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook provide actionable insights into your target audience’s behavior, needs and pain points. No need for vanity metrics. Analytics can serve up insights that empower you to elevate ROI, customer engagement, and ultimately, revenue.

So, want to turn those likes into leads? Your first move should be to integrate a robust analytics tool into your social media platforms, set clear KPIs and let data guide your next B2B social media marketing campaign.

Real-world example: A B2B e-commerce platform links into better engagement

By closely monitoring LinkedIn performance analytics, social marketers for a B2B e-commerce platform learned that their video content generated five times more engagement than text posts. They shifted their strategy, posting more videos and realized higher brand visibility and engagement rates.

Business colleagues having a conversation. They are discussing marketing charts and graphs on a table. They are young business people in an office.

Best practice 8: Setting KPIs and benchmarks for digital advertising

Navigating the murky waters of digital advertising without KPIs is like flying blind in a storm—it’s a gamble you can’t afford. Setting KPIs and benchmarks is a best practice that forms the cornerstone of any high-performing data-driven B2B marketing campaign. Flying by the seat of your pants in the digital advertising sphere usually leads to crashing and burning.

Real-world example: Doubling down for healthy returns

This isn’t theory. It’s rooted in tangible outcomes. Specifically, a B2B healthcare consultancy pivoted from broad metrics to defined KPIs like customer lifetime value. This change resulted in a 25% jump in ROI within two quarters. Thanks to a change in performance measurement, the marketing team knew exactly where to double down.

Real-world example: Clicks everywhere but not a drop of conversion

So, what’s the alternative? Ignoring KPIs and benchmarks is akin to sailing a rudderless ship—you might float, but you’ll drift aimlessly. Case in point: a logistics firm that went full throttle on ad spend without setting KPIs. They amassed clicks but suffered a plummet in conversion rates, only realizing the misstep when it was too late to correct course. The lesson? Set your KPIs early, make them resonate with your core business goals and prepare to steer a well-charted course through the digital advertising seas.

Real-world example: A well-oiled lead machine

Take the case of an industrial machinery supplier that shifted from generic metrics like click-through rate to more industry-specific KPIs such as cost per qualified lead. The result? A 40% reduction in customer acquisition cost within three months. The company didn’t just aim and fire. It mounted a new high-powered scope and aimed precisely before pulling the trigger on an ad spend. So, where to begin? Strip away vanity metrics. Focus on KPIs that align with business objectives, whether that’s revenue generation, lead quality or customer retention. That’s your starting grid.

Best practice 9: Resource allocation and budgeting

In the high-stakes game of B2B marketing, resource allocation and budgeting are your poker chips and data is your ability to read the poker table. Knowing where to place your bets—be it on content creation, email campaigns or social ads—can make or break your strategy.

Smart budgeting never involves guesswork. It’s a data-powered maneuver that maximizes ROI by funneling resources into efforts that genuinely move the needle. So, what’s your opening move? Conduct a cost-benefit analysis of your past and current campaigns to identify the high performers, then reallocate your budget to double down on what’s working.

Real-world example: An office furniture manufacturer gets more comfortable

An office furniture manufacturer initially distributed its marketing budget evenly across all channels. Data analysis revealed that 60% of leads came from LinkedIn and trade shows. The company reallocated its funds accordingly and saw a 40% increase in ROI.

Digital marketers working at a table in the office

Best practice 10: Future-proofing your strategy with adaptive tech tools

Future-proofing is more than a buzzword for marketers. It’s become a survival tactic in the Darwinian landscape of data-driven B2B marketing. As martech evolves and buyer behaviors shift, a static strategy is a vulnerable strategy. Building agility into your plans using adaptive, compatible technology can be the difference between leading the way and just getting by.

Real-world example: A logistics company makes savvy martech moves

Recognizing the constant evolution of data-driven marketing, a B2B logistics titan adopted a martech stack capable of integrating many new tools as they become available. When the firm sensed impending shifts in marketing dynamics, its B2B marketers acted with foresight. They opted for a modular martech stack designed for seamless integration of emerging tools, making each component a plug-and-play affair. This agility transformed their marketing operations. As new technologies—like advanced AI-based analytics and real-time route optimization tools—entered the market, the company could easily add many of them to its existing martech setup.

This dynamic software ecosystem boosted campaign efficiency by 30% and cut customer acquisition costs in half within a year. Their choice didn’t just enhance current performance. It built a resilient framework that evolves with the digital landscape. By choosing only compatible platforms with high connectivity, the marketing team was able to layer additional capabilities for a dynamic, agile martech stack. This adaptability ensured they stayed at the forefront of data-driven B2B marketing innovations.

Your first data-directed move? Invest in scalable tools and training that can adapt to emerging trends and tech, allowing your strategy to pivot faster than a Silicon Valley startup. Here’s our top 10 list of integrative software products you should consider:

  1. HubSpot Marketing Hub: The Swiss Army knife of inbound marketing, offering a full suite of tools covering everything from SEO to social media. Perfect for the agile marketer who wants an all-in-one solution.
  2. Marketo: Specially suited for large-scale enterprises, this Adobe offering excels in automation and analytics, sharpening the saw of data-driven decision-making.
  3. Tableau: Visual analytics at your fingertips. When raw numbers become overwhelming, Tableau serves up digestible, actionable insights for agile adjustments.
  4. Salesforce Pardot: This B2B marketing automation platform seamlessly integrates with Salesforce’s CRM, ensuring marketing and sales are always in harmony.
  5. Google Analytics 4: Beyond its robust free offering, the latest version gives you data at warp speed and recommendations powered by AI. For businesses of all sizes, every minute saved on analysis counts. Bonus: GA4 helps businesses comply with data regulations.
  6. Drift: If real-time engagement is your game, Drift’s conversational marketing and sales tools enable immediate customer interactions, providing data points that are as real as it gets.
  7. Asana: This project management tool helps operationalize your strategy. Think of it as your agile marketing cockpit, setting the course and keeping everyone aligned.
  8. Conductor: Your go-to for competitive search analysis. Conductor provides a comprehensive suite of AI-powered tools that empower marketers to conduct keyword research, track competitor strategies and optimize website content, thereby driving higher organic traffic and improving overall digital presence.
  9. Mailchimp: With its focus on customer segmentation and personalized content, Mailchimp is an email marketing tool that plays well with data-driven strategies and integrates well with other leading digital marketing software tools.
  10. Ahrefs: The Sherlock Holmes of SEO analysis. Monitor your website’s performance and scout out what your competitors are doing, all in one dashboard.

Each of these tools brings a unique flair to your marketing stack, aiding you in crafting a truly agile, data-driven B2B marketing strategy. Choose wisely and your marketing ROI won’t just thank you—it’ll soar for you.

Data-driven alchemy: Transforming raw numbers into B2B gold

Data-driven B2B marketing is a discipline that continually rewards curiosity and courage. The returns are tangible: higher conversion rates, more engaged customers and a robust bottom line. If you’re ready to amplify your B2B data-driven marketing strategy, Elevation Marketing can provide you with world-class, B2B data-driven marketing strategies tailored to your needs. As devoted disciples of the digital information revolution, we transform data into actionable insights and your actionable insights into compelling narratives. No matter where you are on your data journey, Elevation Marketing can uplift your B2B game. Interested in implementing any of these best practices? We can show you how to take advantage of them using the optimal martech for your business priorities.

Contact our team of B2B marketing experts today, and let’s map out the data-powered future your business deserves. Your path to B2B marketing mastery starts here.

Email has been a staple of B2B marketers for decades. It’s a channel that organizations rely on to reach out to existing customers, amplify their content and generate leads. Technology that enables email segmentation, personalization and automation is helping companies of all sizes step up their B2B email marketing capabilities.

Still, there are rules that high-performing email marketers must follow to get the most from this ubiquitous marketing channel. Below, we list five B2B email marketing best practices (and one key bonus tip) that help you better influence sales and generate qualified leads. But first, we need to understand where email marketing fits into the buying cycle.

The role of email in the B2B buying cycle

DemandGen’s 2022 Content Preferences Survey asked 174 B2B executives about how content influences their buying behavior. Nearly 55% of respondents said they relied even more heavily on content in 2022 versus the previous year.

Nearly 62% of B2B buyers said they read three to seven pieces of content when making a purchase decision and a few (11%) read more than seven pieces of content. Only 28% read less than three pieces of content.

That’s a lot of content, and it’s part of a complex, increasingly self-driven B2B buying process that’s become predominantly digital. The top content types preferred by buyers are also telling—43% of respondents listed research/survey reports as the most valuable type of content for researching a B2B purchase, followed by case studies, webinars and B2B media/news publications. Whitepapers and eBooks are being sought out 34% of the time.

Source: DemandGen 2022 Content Preferences Survey Report

The list of types of content buyers have engaged with in the past year is similar, with the addition of blog posts being consumed by 54% of them. Industry newsletters are lower on the list of content types that buyers are seeking; however, consumption has increased from 34% to 41%.

While industry newsletters are part of the larger ecosystem of B2B buying, executives may not be willing to disclose their contact information solely in exchange for a newsletter subscription. Even so, survey respondents listed email (71%) as the second most popular medium they use when sharing content with colleagues and peers.

When creating a B2B email marketing strategy, it’s important to understand how buyers use email throughout the buying process. Best practices for effective email campaigns are hyper-focused on buyer preferences, content needs and current trends that leverage emerging technologies to improve the overall customer experience.

Best practice #1: Personalize email targeting across channels and segments

Today’s B2B buyer expects brands to have a deep understanding of their needs, reflected through personalization. How important is personalization? As far back as 2016, 74% of B2B buyers said they’d switch brands if a company didn’t personalize communications with their business. That number has grown to a whopping 80% of buyers saying they’re more likely to do business with a company that offers personalized experiences. In fact, B2B customers typically expect a more tailored experience throughout their entire purchasing process than B2C customers do.

(Source: MarketingCharts.com)

This data underscores the importance of engaging B2B buyers with emails tailored to address their specific needs and meet them where they are in the buying cycle. Moreover, leveraging personalization in your email marketing strategy offers many advantages, including:

  • Increased open rates
  • Improved click-through rates
  • Enhanced engagement
  • Higher conversions

How to personalize your B2B emails with integrated marketing tools
Effective email personalization requires that you leverage the appropriate marketing automation tool to fit your needs. HubSpot is one of the most popular marketing automation tools for email personalization, but there are many other options to pick from, such as Marketo Engage. If your B2B organization doesn’t require sophisticated lead scoring or an advanced all-in-one platform, you might be better off with a more streamlined email marketing tool that offers CRM integration and personalization, such as MailChimp.

Marketing automation tools, account-based marketing (ABM) platforms and AI-driven technologies are instrumental in tailoring email content to specific buying segments and profiles. They integrate with your CRM to leverage customer, sales, intent and behavioral data. This integration ensures that the personalized emails you send are backed by data-driven insights that address each buyer’s specific needs.

Best practice #2: Build a reliable B2B email marketing database

Best practices #1 can only be achieved by prioritizing and focusing on best practice #2—building a solid, up-to-date and actionable database. A well-maintained customer database and email list provide accurate customer insights, which are critical for segmenting your audience and developing customized messaging. It allows you to track and analyze customer interactions, preferences and behaviors. With this information, you can create personalized campaigns, improving engagement, customer experience, customer retention and email conversion rates.

How to build and maintain your B2B email marketing database

An effective email marketing database requires that you integrate customer data from your CRM with your email lists from your marketing platform and establish processes to maintain them.

Update your email list:  Continuously grow your email list through lead generation strategies, such as gated downloads and eNewsletter subscriptions. Equally important is regularly updating and purging outdated contacts, especially in B2B email marketing where job changes are common. List cleaning prevents bounce rate increases, which can harm your email deliverability and sender reputation. A poor email reputation can prompt email service providers to mark your emails as spam or even block your domain.

A clean email list ensures that your messages reach the right recipients, enhancing the effectiveness of your campaigns and protecting your sender reputation. This process not only refines your engagement metrics but also ensures your marketing efforts are directed at active, decision-making contacts, improving the effectiveness of your email campaigns.

Establish data governance practices: Refine your email marketing efforts by setting company-wide standards for monitoring and enhancing customer data. Integrating customer data platforms (CDPs) and customer experience platforms (CEPs) with existing martech tools can help you clean and enhance data. Moreover, these tools enable your sales and marketing teams to collaborate on email creation and deployment.

Best practice #3: Segment email audiences by behaviors

Segmenting audiences by job level, business size and industry is standard practice in email marketing, allowing messages to be tailored to the general needs of each demographic. However, you can supercharge your audience segmentation by also considering subscriber behavior.

How to supercharge your audience segmentation

This deeper layer of segmentation is a nuanced approach to email marketing that involves grouping subscribers based on their interactions with your emails. This can include how often they open emails, which links they click and whether they’ve made purchases from past emails. By analyzing these behaviors, you can create segments such as active engagers, occasional openers and inactive users. Tailored content can then be developed for each segment, with the active group receiving more frequent and detailed communication, while re-engagement campaigns can be targeted toward less active subscribers.

One strategy to re-engage disengaged subscribers is to send a “We Miss You” email with a special offer or a feedback request to pique their interest. It’s crucial to convey value in these re-engagement emails, perhaps by highlighting what they’ve missed or will gain by re-engaging with your content. If several re-engagement attempts fail, it’s practical to prompt these subscribers to opt out. This can be done through a straightforward unsubscribe email, which politely offers them the option to leave, ensuring that your list remains high-quality and compliant with email marketing best practices. It also respects the subscribers’ choice and maintains a positive brand image even as they exit.

Best practice #4: Use video in your email campaigns

Video emails are one of the most effective means of B2B outreach, generating instant interest and engagement. The majority of sales professionals say that video emails get more opens, clicks and responses than text-based email content. According to a Vidyard Virtual Selling Report, buyers are 50% more responsive to email campaigns when at least one video is included in the email cadence.

How to use video in your email campaigns

  • Add the word “video” to your subject line
  • A/B test subject lines that include the video emoji
  • Add video thumbnails to the end of short content to increase read-throughs
  • Direct readers to videos that are hosted or embedded on your website
  • Deliver customized videos to segmented audiences
  • Make it easy for recipients to share videos
  • Leverage video testimonials, product demos, how-to and explainer videos and company culture videos

Best practice #5: Promote your blog and website content with email

CMI lists the top four B2B content distribution channels as social media, blogs, email newsletters and non-newsletter emails (in that order). It’s important to note, however, that non-newsletter email (and organic social) outperforms blogs and newsletters (in that order).

(Source: Content Marketing Institute)

How to use email to promote blog and web content

Blogs make excellent fodder for your email content, enabling you to update your customers about new products, services and industry trends. They boost your thought leadership potential and solidify your standing as an industry authority. Furthermore, leveraging content-centric strategies in your email marketing efforts enriches the subscriber experience, fosters loyalty and drives conversions through educated, content-driven interaction. Use the following tactics to capture the attention of your subscribers and encourage them to explore your website:

  • Leveraging marketing tools to automate blog distribution through eNewsletters ensures consistent communication with your audience, keeping them engaged and informed while streamlining your content marketing workflow.
  • Transforming in-depth blog and web content into concise narratives and lists caters to the growing preference for quick, digestible information, making it easier for readers to absorb key points and takeaways.
  • Similarly, extracting quickly consumed micro-content from blogs to create compelling subject lines, impactful quotes, informative infographics and engaging video reels, enhances the visual appeal and interactivity of your emails.

Bonus tip: Continually optimize your email marketing strategy

As with any marketing strategy, effective email marketing doesn’t end at sending out emails. It’s a continuous process of analyzing outcomes and tweaking tactics to ensure peak performance. This begins with understanding your audience through analytics and then applying this knowledge to refine every aspect of your campaigns.

How to optimize your email marketing strategy

To put email optimization into practice, start by establishing clear goals and corresponding KPIs to measure success. Regularly monitor metrics like open rates and click-through rates to evaluate your emails’ performance. If certain emails have low engagement, delve into the details—perhaps the subject line didn’t resonate, or the email went out at the wrong time. Use segmentation to tailor your messages to different audience groups based on their behavior and preferences. This personalization can lead to higher engagement and better results.

Next, embrace A/B testing. Test different elements of your emails, from subject lines to imagery and even send times. Keep one variable constant while changing another, and measure how each version performs. This will help you understand what triggers a positive response from your audience. Finally, stay informed about email marketing trends to adapt your strategy to new technologies and shifts in consumer behavior. By maintaining a loop of analysis, testing and optimization, you’ll be able to craft an email marketing strategy that is not only effective but also dynamic and responsive to change.

Bottom line: Effective email caters to the customer

Today’s B2B email marketing best practices tend to look a lot like B2C best practices—namely, it’s all about the customer. Email remains a top content format and distribution channel for B2B buyers and sellers alike. But making your email campaigns impactful requires a deep understanding of your target audience’s content preferences and expectations. Buyers expect brands to provide the high-quality, personalized content they need, when they need it. That means using customer data to gain insights into their position in the buying journey and to understand their challenges, needs and goals.

If you need help leveling up your email marketing strategy, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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