Feb 26, 2021

How to Make a Podcast Work for Your B2B Construction Brand

Standing out as a B2B construction brand is harder than ever.

Since the pandemic came into full force, businesses are having to take their trade online and compete with other brands from all over the world.

The key is to engage your audience and provide them with the information they need in the moment they need it. According to research, customers that are engaged by a brand make purchases 90% more often and spend 60% more in each transaction. This is particularly important in the B2B construction world, where sales cycles are often lengthy and non-linear.

The lack of human connection in the B2B sales cycle has created a need for more interactive ways of communicating and, ultimately, shopping. As such, the podcast is becoming a great way to connect with potential buyers, establish your expertise, and generate more leads.

Customers who feel emotionally connected to a brand tend to have a 300% higher lifetime value and are far more likely to recommend that brand than one they don’t feel so connected to.

There is a common misconception that podcasts aren’t meant for the construction industry. However, they can actually be great assets to set yourself apart from the competition, reach a new audience, and push your way to the top of the industry.

Why B2B Construction Brands Should Consider a Podcast

Once you’ve got the equipment you need and get into the swing of recording and editing, a podcast can be a great addition to your marketing collateral. It can be incredibly cost-effective too. All you need is:

  • A microphone
  • A podcast recording tool
  • A digital sound editing tool

Aside from being a nice piece of content to put out there, a ready-to-go podcast includes a host of other benefits for your brand.

Target Prospect Pain Points

The majority of B2B buyers start their search for a product online.

They go to Google or another search engine of their choice and type in a problem they’re having. If you address the key problems your audience has through a well-structured podcast episode, there’s a good chance many prospects will find it.

And, once your podcast provides them with the answers they need, the human element will encourage them to stick around and subscribe. So, even if they don’t buy from you right away, there’s a good chance they will do so in the future.

Connect With Your Audience

We’ve already touched on the human element of podcasts, and now let’s dive in a bit more. Connecting emotionally with your buyers (especially in 2021, when consumers are craving connections thanks to endless lockdowns and quarantines) will go a long way to cementing trust and help you build a community around your brand. Not only will it help you deepen customer relationships, but you can find also out more about who your buyers are, and what they need from you.

This will help you create even better, more aligned content in the future and ensure you’re selling to customers the products or solutions they really need.

Provide Something Different

The rush to go digital has made competition fierce in the B2B construction world. Almost every single brand has a website and a digital presence today, making it harder than ever to stand out.

With a podcast, you can quickly elevate your brand to be a thought leader in your industry. Since there aren’t a ton of B2B construction podcasts out there, right now is the best time to swoop in and get involved in the action.

Top Tips For Making a Podcast Work

There’s an art to creating a successful podcast. Following these tips will make sure you’re doing everything you can to ensure your podcast is a great addition to your business.

Understand the Needs of Your Audience

The key to a great podcast is to provide great information. This means digging deep into your prospects’ challenges or particular needs, and creating episodes based on those.

You can learn more about your audience needs by:

  • Running a survey on your social channels
  • Interviewing some of your best customers
  • Listening in on social media to see what buyers are talking about
  • Checking out relevant forums to identify common questions

Make a note of all the questions they have, as well as any topics that regularly come up. You can use these to fuel your episode topics.

Keep it Short and Simple

There are plenty of podcasts that span 45 minutes or an hour (sometimes even over an hour). However, when dealing with B2B buyers, the key is to be concise. They often don’t have a lot of time and are looking for a fast solution to a problem they have. As a result, you ideally want to keep your episodes short and simple.

Focus on one topic per episode, and try to keep each one under half an hour in length.

Invite Guests to Spread the Word

Podcasts are a great stage for interviewing industry celebrities and influencers. Not only will this provide your audience with valuable insights, but it means you’ll automatically get trust transferred to your brand from their pre-built audiences.

Inviting high-profile guests onto your podcast will help you quickly spread the word, as they’re likely to share their featured episodes with their followers.

Examples of Successful Podcasts in B2B Construction

The ConTech Crew

The ConTech Crew is one of the hottest podcasts in the B2B construction arena. Created by JBKnowledge, a construction software brand, each episode explores a new technology that is changing the industry.


Constructrr is hosted by construction manager Brittanie Campbell-Turner and discusses how construction companies can revolutionize the industry through advanced technology and the latest products.

Art of Construction

In this panel-style podcast, construction industry experts Devon Tilly and Kevin Keefe interview leading professionals about architecture, industry trends, and the latest technology in the sector.

Ready to Start a Podcast?

A podcast might have been the last thing on your mind – until now.

With the sheer amount of online competition today, it’s crucial that you stand out. Creating bite-sized episodes that touch on key prospect pain points is a great way to boost your expertise, position your construction brand in a saturated industry, and reach a wider audience.

Are you ready to start a podcast? Contact Elevation today and learn more about how we can help.

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