
Every marketing strategy, without exception, needs a customer profile to be as...


B2B Brand StorytellingB2B marketers must go beyond features and benefits to connect with modern buyers. Legacy brands retain value by remaining relevant on an emotional, as well as intellectual level with target audiences. One of the primary methods for creating relevance is through storytelling.


Improve Customer Experience with a RebrandIt’s official — we have changed our name. Canyon Communications is dead; long live Elevation Marketing. It’s just that easy. Except that it isn’t.


Every company fears open criticism. After all, brands live and die by public perception. It's commonplace for organizations to avoid the media out of fear of being misquoted or having what they say quoted out of context. However, organizations shouldn’t view the media as a threat. Relationships with reporters are invaluable for business.


Think about three of the most successful brands out there: Nike, McDonalds, and Disneyland. You most likely know what their logos look like, what they represent, and maybe even their slogan. All of these successful brands have one thing in common, and that’s a strong brand marketing strategy.


When it comes to the key marketing factors that keep your B2B business moving forward, branding consistency may be the most crucial. From helping differentiate you from competitors to increasing customer recognition to reinforcing your identity, branding permeates your overall marketing strategy from nearly every facet.


Hit the Bulls Eye with Brand Consistency more than ever, buyers are doing their own research before making any purchasing decisions. They seek out information on companies from websites, social networks, events and their peers. With new advancements in online targeting, display advertising and marketing automation, it’s essential to take advantage of your image and your message. If you are not committed to developing brand consistency online, customers might start flocking to someone who is.


EVM-Blog-Detail-Hero-1It may seem like a bit of a challenge to put togetherB2B Marketing messaging documentation that runs the full gamut of the products and services you sell and addresses your primary audience(s). But in the long run, it’s worth it.

Here are 3 reasons why it makes sense to use a formal messaging kit in your B2B marketing

1. Ensure everyone understands WHO you’re talking to — or should be talking to.

This includes creating buyer personas, which are semi-fictional representations of your ideal customer based on real data and some select educated speculation about customer demographics, behavior patterns, motivation, and goals.


As a social media marketer, I’m always keeping my eye out for...


Social media branding plays a vital role in creating and maintaining your brand...


In business, the term branding one of the most misused and misunderstood marketing buzzwords....